Selasa, 08 November 2011
what I love about our story :D
How I love our long nights on the phone
How I love it because now I'm not feeling so alone
How I love the glitter in your gorgeous lovely brown eyes
How I love those long goodbyes
How I love hearing your precious voice and laughter
How I love the way you whispering I love you when you're with me
How I love your pure heart
How I love your honesty
How I love your silly laugh when somethings not funny happen
How I love your silly act when I tickle you
How I love the way you make me smile again after my tears
How I love the way our hands together fitting
How I love your loving warm embrace
How I love the way you telling me about your games, days, books and of course your activities and home
How I love the way you praise me when I cook something that taste good or not
How I love the way you nod your head when I nag you so I'll stop nagging you
How I love your weird noise when you're playing games
How I love to watch you playing basketball
How I love to watch you focusing on your book when you're confuse with the question
How I love way you telling me goodnight in a thousand different ways
How I love way you call me 'baby' and act cute to me when I'm mad at you
How I love fact that you're still smiling even when I'm mad at you
How I love way you wipe my tears and hug me when I cried
How I love your silly act and jokes that can makes my day brighter
but, the most important thing is...
How I love the way you love me :)
#ciah ini sih copas lagunya Boyzone :P
I love you so much my dear, P.E.F. :D
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011
Poem :D
When I saw you in the crowd
And I instantly fall in love...
I never knew love could be so pure
I never realized it would feel so sure
You came along with your heart in your hand
You saw something in me that no one else could see
You share all your hopes and dreams
And together we make a really good team
And I began to pray if this only could be...
Thank you for coming into my life, I don't know how to be
Thank you for just letting me be me
Thank you for your patients
Thank you for your trust
Thank you for the miracles...
I love you so...
all credits belongs to my sister who create this wonderful poem.. just want to share it because I loove it soo much :DD
anyway, this is belong to my beloved BF.
dear, PEF...
aku sayang padamu, sayangku ♥ :)
Minggu, 11 September 2011
I'm Going Crazy!
aku hampir gapernah bisa ngeblog. Liburan kemaren emang ke Jakarta, tapi endingnya juga ga ngapa-ngapain. cuma jagain Thea doang..
walopun sempet juga ke mall, itupun cuma buat makan doang...
ealah, uripku kok ngenes tenan... *ada yang butuh translate dari kalimat ini?? :P*
tugas menggunung, pressure dari mom and dad, pressure dari sekolah, pressure dari lingkungan. hidupku bener-bener penuh pressure. d*mn, I have my limit to~
baiklah, aku emang ababil. --'
Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011
The New Me??? I Hope So...
oke, abaikan yang atas ini.
kenapa aku milih posting ini? simple aja, kita semua butuh yang namanya perubahan yang baru untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik. termasuk aku.
Di kelas XI ini, aku mau fokus sekolah, kurangin main, disiplin part-time, and tentu aja perbaiki diri. harus mulai rajin macem-macem. masak, nyuci, sampe beres-beres rumah. selain masak, jujur aja aku nyaris gapernah nyuci atopun beres-beres rumah karena dulu ada Mama. sekarang? selamat datang ke kehidupan anak kost. dan tentu aja belajar tetep jadi prioritas utama. mungkin emang awalnya jadi nyebelin dan jurga boring abis. but, hey, no pain no gain, rite?
dan semoga aja pilihanku enggak salah. aku bisa maju en dapet future yang jauh lebih baik dari apa yang aku bayangkan sekarang (well, sebenernya aku pengen banget kerja di bagian broadcasting. semoga aja bisa lebih dari itu :D)
wish me luck guys! :DD
Senin, 27 Juni 2011
yes, i'm a weirdo
hell yeah, I'm a weirdo. Happy??
Selasa, 21 Juni 2011
the war isn't over yet.
Minggu, 22 Mei 2011
gila dengan rasa benciku ke kamu.
Senin, 16 Mei 2011
random Linkin Park
maaf, aku lagi labil gara-gara abis liat MVnya Papercut, Crawling sama Somewhere I Belong nih.
bonus :D
Somewhere I Belong - Linkin Park
(When this began)
I had nothing to say
And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me
(I was confused)
And I let it all out to find
That I’m not the only person with these things in mind
(Inside of me)
But all that they can see the words revealed
Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel
(Nothing to lose)
Just stuck, hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own
I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
I wanna let go of the pain I’ve felt so long
(Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
Somewhere I belong
And I’ve got nothing to say
I can’t believe I didn’t fall right down on my face
(I was confused)
Looking everywhere only to find
That it’s not the way I had imagined it all in my mind
(So what am I)
What do I have but negativity
’Cause I can’t justify the way, everyone is looking at me
(Nothing to lose)
Nothing to gain, hollow and alone
And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own
[Repeat Chorus]
I will never know myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed
I will never be anything till I break away from me
I will break away, I'll find myself today
[Repeat Chorus]
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
Somewhere I belong
Kamis, 12 Mei 2011
i'm the weirdo? hell yeah!
contoh aja, aku suka Air Supply,
contoh lain, entah kenapa banyak banget cewek yang muja banget sama yang namanya JB, CS and RP (Justin Bieber, Cody Simpson and Robert Pattinson) sedangkan ngeliat mereka, aku ilfeel. oke, mungkin ilfeel bukan kata yang tepat, cuma bingung aja sih sebenernya. apa bagusnya mereka coba. no offense, aku emang gasuka mereka. tapi aku gabakal jadi antis kok, tenang aja.
with that face, those eyes, that voice, and his abs (damn yeah i love muscles). he's hawt!
oke maaf, emang aku
selain tentang musik, tentang style mungkin, aku jujur aja, ga terlalu peduli sama yang namanya style atopun fashion, paling pol kalo ke mall cuma buat cari sepatu aja. yeah, i love shoes. dan aku jauh lebih milih abisin duit buat beli sepatu dibanding baju. dunno why.
contoh lain, cuma gara-gara satu kejadian kecil aja (ex: kesenggol orang-tak-dikenal-terus-pura-pura-gatau-en-ngacir-gitu-aja) bisa bikin aku bad mood seharian.
well, cuma itu sih yang ketemu sekarang :P entah gimana nanti kalo ketemu lagi :P
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
Day 4 - A SHINee song that makes you happy
Day 3 - Your least SHINee song
Day 2 - Your favorite SHINee song
Rabu, 04 Mei 2011
7 reasons why i love him :)
1. he's fluent in English (so he can teach me everyday and we don't have a language barrier :D)
2. he loves music
3. he's a family guy
4. he's D*MNLY handsome when he's smiling
5. his baritone husky voice
6. he's good at fashion
7. he's a good friend and a loyal guy
well, sebenernya masih banyak banget, tapi itulah alesan utama kenapa aku juga jatuh ke pesona seorang Park Yoochun. asdfghjkl
Day 1 - Your favorite SHINee member and why
30 Days SHINee Challenge
Day 1 - Your favorite SHINee member and why
Day 2 - Your favorite SHINee song
Day 3 - Your least SHINee song
Day 4 - A SHINee song that makes you happy
Day 5 - A SHINee song that makes you sad
Day 6 - A SHINee song that makes you giddy
Day 7 - A SHINee song you know all the words to
Day 8 - A SHINee dance you know all the moves to
Day 9 - A SHINee dance you would like to learn
Day 11 - Your favorite SHINee music video
Day 12 - The very first SHINee song you listened to
Day 13 - Your favorite variety show cut of Minho
Day 14 - Your favorite variety show cut of Key
Day 15 - Your favorite variety show cut of Taemin
Day 16 - Your favorite variety show cut of Onew
Day 17 - Your favorite variety show cut of Jonghyun
Day 18 - The best dancer in the SHINee
Day 19 - The funniest SHINee member
Day 20 - Your favorite SHINee moment
Day 21 - Your favorite SHINee couple pairing with any other K-Pop star
Day 22 - Your favorite SHINee interview
Day 23 - Your favorite SHINee collab performance with any other K-Pop band/artist
Day 24 - The SHINee member you would want as your brother
Day 25 - A post dedicated to Jonghyun
Day 26 - A post dedicated to Onew
Day 27 - A post dedicated to Minho
Day 28 - A post dedicated to Taemin
Day 29 - A post dedicated to Key
Day 30 - Why you love the SHINee
Senin, 04 April 2011
Jealous? Oh please!
anyway, kenapa jadi ngomongin yang namanya jealous sih? aku juga nggak tau sih sebenernya *dor* tapi mungkin aja sih karena inilah yang lagi aku rasain *plak*
banyak hal pastinya yang bikin kita semua jadi jealous. bahkan dari hal terkecil yang mungkin aja nggak kita sadarin.
for example ya, kita ngeliat cewek yang asli cakep banget semacam Angelina Jolie atopun Emma Watson. mungkin cuma orang aneh yang nggak mau punya badan sekeren mereka atopun duitnya mereka yang bejibun ato juga lemari mereka yang pastinya penuh dengan barang-barang brand yang ga bakal cocok buat kocek anak SMA kayak aku. entah aku harus nabung berapa abad buat dapetin tas Burberry yang diiklanin sama Emma, tapi kayakya sih gabakal kesampean. dan ditambah lagi dikelilingi cowok-cowok super seksi semacem Brad Pitt dan Alex Watson.
nah, kalo udah ngerasa ngiri abis sama tuh dua orang super lucky tersebut. kita udah bisa disebut dengan jealous. simple right?
emang jealous itu kadang datang dan pergi dengan atopun tanpa kita sadari dan kadang juga kita ignore gitu aja yang namanya jealous.
tapi ternyata ada sisi positif dari kita jealous loh. coba aja deh kita jealous abis ngeliat sahabat kita itu emang otaknya encer banget sama yang namanya matematika. nah kalo kita bisa mengelola rasa jealous yang kita rasain buat sahabat kita itu, tentunya kita juga pengen melebihi dia ataupun minimal sejajar sama dia kan?
tapi emang sih, rata-rata jealous itu ke arah yang namanya cinta, pacaran, etc. wajar sih, mengingat remaja itu labilnya minta ampun (dan tentu aja aku masuk ke dalam hitungan yang labil --a) karena itulah biasa banget kalo kita ngerasa jealous.
banyak sih yang bilang kalau jealous tuh tanda cinta en sayang, tapi kalo menurutku sih enggak. jealous justru tanda kalo kita ga percaya atopun yakin sama pacar kita. kalo emang pacar kita akhirnya selingkuh atopun ga setia biarin aja. toh ntar juga dia sendiri yang kena batunya. walopun pastinya sakit banget karena kita udah sayang banget tapi kok malah diselingkuhin gitu aja, tapi kita (khususnya cewek) masa mau nangis terus depresi gitu? please, cowok kaya gitu sama sekali ga pantes buat air mata kita setetespun.
maaf, aku labil, makanya gini --a
Minggu, 30 Januari 2011
curhat abal di hari sabtu
well, hari sabtu kemaren mungkin bakal jadi one of the unforgettable day of the month gara-gara aku telat (lagi).
Yange jelas, aku BENCI BANGET sama guru Geografiku yang sinting. Tuh guru kalo ngomong ga mikir pake otak dan ga mikir kalo kata-katanya bakal bikin orang sakit hati sama kata-kata sialannya.
Just because one phone call between me and my sister, dan cuma gara-gara misunderstanding antara aku en mbak Chie, tuh guru dengan seenak jidat ngecap aku sebagai anak kurang ajar yang hobi teriak-teriak en bentakin orang-orang rumah. Heh sinting, gue kasih tau ya, gue masih punya manner ke keluarga gue dan lo gatau apa-apa tentang gue dan kayak gimana gue di rumah. SETAN!
Sorry guys, aku emang udah terlalu kesel sama tuh guru.
well, lupakan setan itu dan kembali ke topik utama.
gara-gara aku udah telat sampe 4 kali, aku disuruh manggil Mom ke sekolah dan aku menghabiskan waktu kurang lebih dua jam pelajaran cuma buat nunggu Mom di ruang piket. entah kenapa ada peraturan stupid kayak gitu yang melarang murid buat masuk ke kelas tanpa surat tanda telat.
Setelah Mom dateng, Mom disuruh masuk ke ruang BK en diajak ngomong-ngomong sama Bu Susi (guru BK yang megang kelas XC) en diomongin berbagai hal tentang kerugian kalo telat dsb.
setelah Mom dibolehin buat pulang, aku akhirnya masuk ke ruang komputer (pas itu pelajaran komputer udah tinggal 30 menitan dan tentu aja aku nggak dapet ilmu apa-apa *cailaaahh*) dan duduk sama Susan-Zaskia. disitu aku ceritain sama mereka kejadian antara aku dan guru Geografi gila itu sambil nangis bombay. pokoknya udah banget deh gaya-gayanya. udah pake "Aku benci dia!" "Dia gila!!" atau juga "Pokoknya Mami nggak mau tahu! Kamu harus nikah sama dia!" *lho?!*
dan mereka berdua juga ikutan kesel sama itu guru gara-gara ceritaku. aku pun manggil si Peppo yang kebetulan duduk di depan kita. tapi emang dasarnya dia itu kalo udah megang komputer kayak anak balita dikasih mainan. gabakal peduli sekitar. aku aja yang manggil-manggil sambil mewek ga diurusin apalagi duit seribu yang jatoh *oke gue tau emang nggak nyambung* alhasil akupun dicuekin dengan kejamnya.
dasar Susan sialan. masa gara-gara aku manggil Peppo gak dijawab, si Susan sampe bilang, "Febri, Ristra lagi butuh kamu nih..."
please deh San, aku emang manggil dia, tapi bukan berarti aku segitu desperate sampe butuh dia banget. remember, he's no one and just my best buddy, got it?
But akhirnya aku juga yang nyamperin dia and langsung mewek lagi. Maklum, aku lagi PMS. makanya dikit-dikit emosi karena itulah Peppo harus extra sabar untuk menghadapi mood-swing dari sosok Ristra Resmi Ciptaningtyas besok Senen hohoho :D
Well, abis istirahat rasanya aku pengen pulang. aku males deh pelajarannya pak Lasido. Kenapa? aku benci guru yang ga mikirin perasaan muridnya kalo ngomong dan dia ini adalah contoh lain selain si damned-geography-teacher. Kata lainnya, dia ini versi cowoknya dari itu guru. dan sialnya, dia guru bahasa Indonesia. Salah satu mata pelajaran yang paling aku sukai setelah Bahasa Inggris en Geografi. miris banget kan? dimana aku suka banget sama salah satu mata pelajaran, aku selalu dapet guru yang minta dimutilasi.
pelajaran Pak Lasido pun berlangsung dengan dua earphone menyangkut di telingaku dan aku mempelajari pelajaran Secondhand Serenade dan JYJ. iya, aku emang ga merhatiin pelajaran dan memilih untuk berkutat dengan hape padahal aku duduk di depan sendiri bareng Peppo, aku tahu aku emang nekat.
setelah pelajaran berakhir en istirahat kedua juga ikutan kelar, aku pun menghadapi siksaan terakhir di minggu terakhir di bulan Januari ini. Bahasa Inggris. bukan, aku engga benci pelajarannya. aku cuma ga suka gurunya. titik. and no comment anymore bout teacher. okay? gue gamau nambah dosa lagi hahaha
hari itupun berakhir dengan membosankan. bedanya aja, sebenernya aku disuruh ikut inovasi bahasa inggris sama Augi, Peppo, Zaskia, en Bagus. tapi emang dasarnya kita males tingkat tinggi dan hari itu aku nebeng Augi buat balik, kita bertiga (aku, Augi, Peppo) sepakat buat bolos Inovasi. hahaha :D
sorenya, aku les bahasa inggris sama Miss Endang. guru bahasa inggris sekaligus wali kelasku di SMP 4 dulu. beneran deh. abis lama enggak les, aku langsung rasanya mau nangis waktu denger suara Miss endang ngomong bahasa inggris dengan bagusnya ga kayak Pak Ajib yang ngomong Eight dengan bener aja enggak bisa.
waktu les aku sms Peppo buat pamer karena aku tahu dia emang dari dulu pengen les Miss endang juga tapi belom kesampean juga. en dia tanya sama aku, "berapa sih harga lesnya? Tanyain donk...". maklum deh, aku bales smsnya dijalan, makanya aku ga begitu sadar kalo aku malah ngetik "Byarnya 200/meeting. Harinya nyusul soalny mau di split jadi 2 shift" aku aja waktu baca ulang sms yang aku kirim langsung kaget sendiri apalagi dia, bisa jantungan ntar si Peppo.
sampe dirumah, ternyata eh ternyata DADDY PULANG!!! OH DAD I MISS YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! karena motornya gabisa masuk, akhirnya aku milih untuk kerumah Augi, kebetulan ada Dhimas en Danu di rumahnya tuh anak.
en aku langsung pinjem FB Augi buat chat sama Peppo, en dia langsung tanya lagi, "Masak bener sih 2oorbu? mahal amat." ya karena kedodolanku, dia pun salah persepsi, aku bales aja, "itu perbulan lho!"
en karena aku cerdas luar biasa dan menyadari kalo aku chat pake akun Augi, tetangga dodolku yang asli gokil en terkadang nggak waras itu, aku sengaja pake kata "sayang" setiap chat ke Peppo. Biar orang awam yang gatau apa-apa ngiranya yang chat sama Peppo itu Augi en dia maho. Aku emang jenius!
yang paling parah, waktu pulang aku sengaja bilang "aku pulang dulu ya. Dadah sayangku muach... I love you full"
please. walopun aku misalnya emang doyan sama Peppo, aku gabakal nullis kaya gitu. amit-amit.
abis itu aku pulang ke rumah, mandi en ganti baju karena aku mau kondangan salah satu temen kantornya Dad yang married. Semoga buat tante Nurul en Om Adhie pernikahannya lancar en nggak ada halangan apa-apa.. Amin!
anyway, karena udah gaada lagi yang bisa aku tulis. So, bye!
Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011
Savage Garden - I Knew I Love You
Maybe it's intuition
Somethings you just don't question
Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant
And there it goes, I think I've found my best friend
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy
But I believe
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
There's just no rhyme or reason
Only a sense of completion
And in your eyes, I see the missing pieces
I'm searching for, I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy
But I believe
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
Ooh hoo ooo, hoo hoo ooo ohh
A thousand angels dance around you
(Ooh hoo, hoo ooo hoo ooo hoo hoo hoo)
I am complete now that I have found you
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
I knew I loved you before I met you, I knew I loved you
(Ooh hoo ooo, hoo hoo ooo)
I knew I loved you before I met you, I knew I loved you
(Ooh hoo ooo, hoo hoo hoo)
I knew I loved you before I met you
(Oh oh, ohh ohh, oh oh oh ay ay yea oh)
I knew I loved you before I met you, I knew I loved you
I knew I loved you before I
Trey Songz - Can't Help But Wait (feat. Plies)
I can’t help but wait…
Oh I, can’t help but wait…
Check it out
[Verse 1:]
I see you, you wit him- he ain’t right but you don’t trip
You stand by, while he lies- then turn right round and forget
I can’t take to see your face, with those tears run down your cheeks
But what can I do- I gotta stay true
Cause deep down I’m still a G
And I don’t wanna come between you and your man
Even though I know I treat you better than he can
Girl I can’t help but wait
Til’ you get that with him, it don’t change
Can’t help but wait
Til’ you see that wit me it ain’t the same
Can’t help but wait
Til’ you, see you, for what you really are
Baby girl you are a star
And I can’t help but wait
[Verse 2:]
Listen, it ain’t fresh to just let him call the shots
You’re a queen, you should be, getting all that someone’s got
You should be rockin the latest in purses, bracelets, and watches, your worth
Much more than a occasional I love you
I’m thinking of you
Get it together- you can do better
Seein’s believing
And I see what you need so
I’m gone play my position
Let you catch what you’ve been missin
I’m callin out, girl cause I can’t help but wait
[Hook 2x]
Oh- can’t help but wait, babe
I can’t help but wait
Oh-oh-oh- can’t help but wait
No, no, no
Secondhand Serenade - Why
I don't think that I knew the chaos I was getting in.
But I've broken all my promises to you
I've broken all my promises to you.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
A phrasing that's a single tear,
Is harder than I ever feared
And you were left feeling so alone.
Because these days aren't easy
Like they have been once before
These days aren't easy anymore.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me.
I should have known this wasn't real
And fought it off and fought to feel
What matters most? Everything
That you feel while listening to every word that I sing.
I promise you I will bring you home
I will bring you home.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me.